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Image of VISUAL ARCHIVE ISSUE 001 (Cover Two)


RELEASED 03.20.2013

8.25"x11", 142pages, perfect bound, full color on gloss paper Printed in the USA

100 copies

US 5 | Canada 10 | International 20

Vis·u·al [vizh-oo-uhl] adj.

1. Based on, designed for, or con- trolled by the use of sight.

2. Producing an image in the mind.

3. Perceptible by the mind; of the nature of a mental vision.

4. Perceptible by the sense of sight; visible: a visual beauty.

We believe that art is not restricted to one medium which is why Visual Archive celebrates all mediums including painting, photography, fashion photography, architecture, poetry, short stories, graphic design, and drawing.

Another belief of ours is that art is not restricted to one location which is why Visual Archive features artists from around the world. We started Visual Archive because we wanted to provide a platform for artists of all innovative mediums to showcase their talents and visions. Ultimately, we hope to increase artists exposure, and increase enthusiasm and appreciation for art and creative expression.